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There are so many things to do on Alabama’s rivers! Browse ASRT events, share your river adventure, and learn more ways to get involved.

New Ways to Paddle with ASRT Coming Soon!

With warmer weather on the way, we know you’re eager to get back on the water—and so are we! This season, we’re offering a variety of adventures to help you explore new waterways and connect with fellow paddlers.

Our hugely popular Summer Paddling Series (SPS) returns in May and runs through September, making it easier than ever to get on the water with the help of outfitters across the state—just bring yourself, and we’ll take care of the rest!

New this season! Bring Your Own Float (BYOF) trips will give you the chance to paddle with a local Trail Angel on their favorite waterway while learning essential skills like self-shuttling, tie-downs, and trip planning. BYOF requires you to bring your own boat and handle transportation, but we’ll provide the expertise and great company!

We’re also excited to partner with Montgomery Whitewater for Sweet Caroline Fridays, a low-flow experience designed to introduce interested paddlers to whitewater kayaking, rafting, and ducky runs.

Plus, we’ll be hosting special paddles across the state to celebrate Earth Day, the start of summer, and flatwater access fun!

We can’t wait to paddle with you this season so —stay tuned— all these program dates and registration details will land here on our website and be on our social media in late March!

People kayaking on a river
A woman steering a canoe

Get Involved in Alabama Waterway Activities

Alabama Scenic River Trail is all about promoting paddlesports and river adventures in Alabama! If you’re looking for more ways to get involved, you’ve come to the right place. Explore community events, share your latest adventure, and learn more about ASRT memberships and chapters here.

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Other Ways to Get Involved with ASRT:

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Share Your Adventure

Have you had an unforgettable trip on Alabama’s waterways? Share your experience here, or see what other paddlers have been up to!

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ASRT chapters are community-based organizations that support river trail development and recreation in Alabama. Find or establish a chapter near you.

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Projects & Initiatives

Learn more about the Alabama Scenic River Trail’s latest projects and initiatives, designed to promote access to and involvement in water recreation in Alabama!

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